Review of the Envato Affiliate Program: Is It Valuable?

If you've used WordPress for a while, you've dealt with the Envato network. Envato is more than just one website; it is a comprehensive network of numerous branded websites located under the Envato name. The website provides more than just a platform for different branded websites; it also has its own affiliate program.

It is now debatable if the affiliate program is worthwhile.

Joining the Envato affiliate program makes sense. The program pays you a 30% commission each time a consumer you recommended makes their first purchase. The affiliate program also offers you banners and other beneficial resources to help you run a successful campaign.

In this piece, we'll delve in-depth to try to comprehend the following:

    ♦ How to create an affiliate account

    ♦ What is included in the affiliate program

    ♦ How the software function

    ♦ A few pointers for earning money on Envato

Describe Envato.
A website called Envato is home to many different tools, including 3D files, templates, codes, and themes. Despite being made up of numerous similar marketplaces, it essentially performs the same tasks as one:

3D Ocean Audio Jungle Theme Forest CodeCanyon PhotoDune Video Hive on GraphicRiver

There are more than 43,000 different alternatives to pick from in the themes and templates department alone. From Woocommerce layouts to WordPress themes, there are graphic assets available for as low as $2.

Envato also provides tutorials for web design and other skills without charging extra. Free tutorials on using WordPress effectively are also available.

In general, how do affiliate programs operate?

A fundamental comprehension of how affiliate marketing programs operate in general is required in order to comprehend how the Envato affiliate program functions. Affiliate marketing, at its most basic, is a framework where the marketer receives a set sum or portion of the sale they assist you with by promoting your goods and services.

You will need to find channels as an affiliate to carry out efficient marketing and increase sales for the goods and services you have decided to promote.
Due to the fact that both parties share the desire to generate as many sales as possible, there is a strong synergistic relationship between the product owner and the affiliate.

A sale is more likely to occur when there is more traffic coming from the affiliate to the product site, and the more sales there are, the more money the product/service provider makes and the more money the affiliate makes in commission. It is a method that benefits everyone.

The Origin of the Envato Affiliate Program

Envato was established in Australia in 2006, more than ten years ago. Collis Ta'eed, Cyan Ta'eed, and Jun Rung came up with the idea.

Since then, the platform has expanded, and the Envato affiliate program has been included as well.

Nearly 10 million assets are currently available on Envato's online marketplace.

This is an excellent moment to be affiliated with Envato because there are more products available, which means there are more options for marketing campaigns and a higher likelihood of sales.

Any potential digital user of these tools will undoubtedly find value for their projects in some way.

The Envato Affiliate Program: What Is It?

You may already be familiar with the Envato network if you are a frequent user of the WordPress tool.

The Envato network is a collection of branded websites that provide services for web design and blogging. These goods are designed to improve the user experience.

The Envato affiliate program is simple to sign up for and enables you to start earning commissions practically immediately after registering. To promote Envato Market using whatever social media channels you see fit, all you have to do is create your affiliate link on their website.

In essence, the objective is to direct as much traffic as possible to the Envato marketplace, where the visitor ultimately makes a purchase. You as an affiliate will be eligible to receive a specific, predetermined commission amount for each such profitable purchase.

The Envato affiliate program pays you 30% in revenue for each new customer you refer to their site, making it not only simple to utilize but also rather rewarding in the long run.

It is also very simple to utilize since you just need a single affiliate ID to connect with the goods you are promoting on your website.

This affiliate ID must be used in order to trace any sales that occur on your behalf and to simplify rewards.

It is easy to obtain the affiliate ID. All you have to do is sign up for their affiliate network, and you will shortly receive an affiliate ID.

From the Viewpoint of the Customer: Envato Marketplace

It's crucial to consider the market from the viewpoint of the customer if you are selling the Envato product line.

This will offer you an idea of what would appeal to customers the most and how to utilize these benefits to generate sales.

The client will discover Envato to be a fantastic source of any tools they might require for their web projects. Whatever the nature of their endeavor, they will find these web tools to be useful.

The resources are made to be adaptable, allowing users to use them for any purpose they choose while also improving the user experience.

Here is a list of some of the resources your clients can access via the Envato network, along with a brief description of each:

Ocean, 3D

Building 3D models can benefit from using this resource. Additionally, it will assist you in creating 3D textures and plugins—basically, whatever you would need to work with on any 3D project.

Additionally, they offer CG Textures, Animation Data, Materials and Shaders, and Render Setups. With these toolkits at their disposal, content producers are sure to produce more immersive, high-caliber content.

This toolkit includes graphic design elements including flyers, graphics, and logos, as the name would imply. This program can also be used to create icons and business logos. Using this program, you may create any type of design you want—the possibilities are unlimited.

There are a ton of stock photo photographs on this website. To use any of these royalty-free photos, you can purchase access rights.

The word "dune" in the name, PhotoDune, may be meant to allude to the vast selection of stock photographs available to you.

It distributes its products under a number of licenses. The licenses for the music, videos, and images are all distinct. Even the licensing for sound effects is distinct.


CodeCanyon will grab your attention right away if you're interested in web programming.

You can build many online functions and intriguing features for your page using the scripts and code snippets that are provided.

Additionally, you can modify any plugins that you use on your website. The toolkit includes code for a variety of architectures, including PHP, HTML5, and Javascript. There are other codes for portable electronics.

Sound Jungle

This is a collection of several audio file types. There are tracks available for every type of content and situation, such as podcasts, video games, and vlogs.

In order to produce the required impact, the toolset also includes sound effects that can be applied to any type of content.

It is wise to develop material that stands out from the competition in today's world when content is king, and there is nothing quite like a decent sound effect to do this.


Perhaps the most well-known one in Envato's marketplace is ThemeForest. There is a sizable collection of themes, templates, and designs available there that may be applied to several platforms, including WordPress.

Additionally, it works with Drupal, Magento, and Joomla. The designs from Theme Forest can also be applied to standalone HTML pages if desired.



For the creation of video content, a variety of stock footage, video effects, and video start snippets are available.

The best set of tools is available to your consumers through VideoHive if they want to improve the video quality by raising the content's quality a few notches.

Engaged Den

Numerous templates for Flash projects are available here. Additionally, it serves as a library for several graphics, animations, and player templates for music and video.

It serves as the foundation around which Envato's creative ecosystem is constructed. Due to ActiveDen's groundbreaking success, newer businesses and online marketplaces that specialized in related industries were developed.


This is a collection of guides that show you how to utilize different programs and tools to create new things. The guide also makes use of other Envato products that are sold in the marketplace.

In the strictest sense, Tuts+ is not a component of the Envato market, but it may be seen as a network that links users to other resources that are offered in the market.

Inktomi Studio

In relation to the digital goods you can see in the Envato marketplace, services are offered in the Envato Studio. In essence, this is the sale of services to the final client.

WordPress coding, logo creation, other graphic design services, and app development services are a few of the services offered by Envato Studio.

When it comes to web development, CodeCanyon, and Theme Forest rank as two of the most widely used tools, although the others are also used quite frequently.

All of these websites are connected through the Envato affiliate program, which establishes a single, cohesive program. Using the Envato affiliate network, you may send customers to these websites and get paid a percentage on any purchases they make there.

The Envato Affiliate Program: How Does It Operate?

It might be a highly time-consuming and difficult task to publish affiliate links every day on numerous websites. The Envato affiliate network offers a solution for you to simplify this task. Envato offers you tools that you may utilize to complete the majority of the work on your behalf.

These affiliate links can stay static on the website if you use WordPress; you do not need to add them for each new post. WordPress is much more than just a content management system, especially when it comes to being a tool for making money.

Today, many web designers and bloggers use WordPress to run their own businesses and earn a living by advertising their goods and services to customers.

There are other ways to leverage the Envato affiliate network to make money, though, if web building is not your thing. Under the Envato affiliate network, you can utilize the WordPress tool to advertise products and get money from your sales.

The Function of Envato Plugins in Income Generation

WordPress offers a wide variety of plugins that can be utilized as a tool to boost sales from your website. The Hand of Midas - Envato Affiliate Money Generator Plugin for WordPress is one such plugin. This plugin has the name of King Midas, who, according to tradition, transformed everything he touched into gold. This plugin was created with the same goal in mind: to turn the website traffic you receive into money.

In addition to this one plugin, there are other others that you may use, and because they are feature-rich, they can be tailored to your preferences. These plugins can post for you as frequently as you wish, whether that be once every few days, once a day, or however often you like. The posts can be customized to include materials from the Envato Market.

You can either select the content you want to display or utilize plugins to show information about the newest or most well-liked products available on the Envato market. Once you have everything set up correctly, the plugins will automatically contain your affiliate ID. In essence, doing this will enable you to make money from the one time you invest in installing the plugin.

Each plugin has a plethora of options that you may play around with to get the most use out of them. They will assist you in tracking, editing, and customizing the plugin in addition to assisting you with adding affiliate links.

You may also include keywords in the post to make it easier for people to find it in search engines. Additionally, it will aid in search engine optimization and list you for a particular keyword search.

How Should You Use the Affiliate Link Effectively?

You must first sign up for their affiliate network in order to use the affiliate ID. After you complete that, you will receive an affiliate ID. By directing traffic to the sales site using this affiliate ID, you may track the sales you generate. This affiliate ID is exclusive and was made just for you.

As soon as you start generating marketing campaigns with this affiliate ID, you can start making money from sales made through your site's referral links.

Envato also assists you in generating the most revenue by giving you high-performing marketing tools, such as banners, etc. to encourage the audience you attract to use the offered referral link to make a purchase.

You can see in this video how to use the Envato Affiliate Program to make money in more detail:

How Will the Envato Affiliate Program Reimburse You for Your Use?

You will earn a 30% commission of the amount deposited or the cost of the product each time a new user clicks on the referral link you have provided, registers for an account, or buys anything from the Envato marketplace. A 30% commission will also be paid to you each time a new user makes a deposit into the account.

You will be eligible for $30 as your compensation if the new user makes a purchase or deposits $100 for a product. The fee additionally increases to $300 if the purchase or deposit is bigger, such as $1000, giving it an extremely generous commission %.

Affiliate Program for Envato: Payout Limit

With a payout threshold of just $50, Envato has one of the lowest online. This means that once you have received $50 in commission payments, you can request a payout, and Envato will credit the money to your account.

The compensation barrier that Envato maintains is significantly lower when compared to some of the other thresholds currently in use, which is wonderful for the affiliates. A higher payment threshold entails that a significantly larger sum must be accumulated before a payout claim can be made.

The high commission rates that were covered in the prior section should be added to this. It is now even simpler for the affiliate to reach the required minimum commission level and submit a compensation claim.

Major Benefits of Participating with the Envato Affiliate Program

The Envato affiliate program has a number of benefits that are mentioned in the post, but for your quick reference, here is a quick rundown of some of the most important aspects that set it apart from the competition:

Affiliate Program for Envato Offers Generous Commissions

The first purchase made by a new user is rewarded with a 30% commission through this affiliate scheme. This is a sizable portion that is uncommon in many other affiliate schemes. The amount of labor required to achieve this high commission rate is negligible, or at most, will demand the same amount of work as any other campaign.

Beginning the Affiliate Program is Simple.

The program asks you to register online as an affiliate before giving you an affiliate link that you can use to direct traffic to the product purchase site on any website of your choice.

You simply need to post the affiliate link on other websites to assist drive traffic and subsequent sales—it doesn't get any simpler than this.

The Instructions Are Simple to Follow

You might require some assistance in the first few days as an affiliate to learn how the Envato affiliate program operates.

For this goal, Envato includes a succinct and clear set of instructions that are simple to follow and will aid you in getting started in the first few days until you become fully acclimated to the platform.

It Has A Low Payout Threshold

The reward threshold for the Envato affiliate program is $50, as was covered in the prior section.

This eliminates the needless buildup of pressure to consistently obtain a very high commission and makes it very simple for the affiliate to transfer their hard-earned commission to their bank account.

There are Many Products on Envato

Your target market may find anything related to graphic design and web development on the marketplace known as Envato.

It is a terrific site for your target audience and potential clients to peruse because it is home to various other marketplaces that provide a variety of different products rather than just one main marketplace.

It is highly likely to persuade these prospective clients to become repeat clients as well.

A Few Cautionary Notes for Using the Envato Affiliate Program

There are several benefits to the Envato affiliate program, but you should be completely informed of all of them before signing up as an associate.

This is done to make sure that you are making an informed decision and are aware of the effects of that decision.

Cookie-Based Affiliate Program for Envato

The program's entire architecture is set up to only work using cookies. If a consumer has already visited the Envato website, there is an unmarked cookie in the web history associated with that specific customer.

Your cookie will not overwrite the earlier unmarked one if the customer later visits the site using your referral link.

Your referral points will be impacted if you delete or disable cookies.

Again, your recommendation will no longer be considered, and as a result, you will not be paid, if the end-user ever deletes the cookies from their system or disables cookies on their PCs.

Cookies for Referrals Are Valid for 90 Days

The cookies allow Envato to trace a sale to your referral link and credit you with a commission if a potential customer clicks on your referral link to visit the Envato website and makes a purchase before the first 80 days are up.

However, you could not receive your commission if a customer uses your referral link to browse the website and then deletes their cookies.

Priority is given to the Affiliate Who Has Placed a Cookie First.

The Envato affiliate whose cookie is registered with the customer first, if a customer visits both your and another Envato affiliate's website sending them to the Envato site, will be the one who will be entitled to a commission if the customer makes a purchase from Envato.

Use of Branded Keywords Restricted in Ads

The purchase of Envato-branded keywords for advertisements is prohibited, especially AdWords and misspellings. Envato protects its own marketing.

They would rather not permit anything that might result in deception or even infringe on all the work they put into their advertising campaign.

The use of referral links to theme previews is prohibited.

You cannot include referral links in the theme previews on Envato, which is another restriction. This is crucial because the majority of these theme previews are hosted on other domains, which may lead to some uncertainty.

Additionally, this implies that you'll have to direct visitors to the product page rather than a different site. When visitors reach the product page, customers may browse details about the theme and select to view a preview of it on a third-party website.


Among affiliate programs, the Envato program may be the simplest to join. You may create a free account and start promoting Envato Market right away.

The rest is up to you—you can build as many affiliate links as you like and spread the word about Envato Market however you see fit.